HomeBibliographiesEpistolary Literature Bibliography

Epistolary Literature Bibliography

Epistolary Literature: Resources Concerning English Letters:

Anderson, Howard and Philip B. Caghlian and Irvin Ehrenpreis, ed. The Familiar Letter in the Eighteenth Century. Lawrence: University of Kansas, 1966.

Anselment, Raymond A. "Katherine Paston and Brilliana Harley: Maternal letters and the genre of mother's advice,"  Studies in Philology, 101/4 (2004): 431-453.

Bachelard, Gaston.  The Poetics of Reverie, trans. Daniel Russell. Boston: Beacon, 1960

Beer, Gillian, "Our Unnatural No-voice: The Heroic Epistle, Pope, and Women's Gothic," Modern Essays on Eighteenth-Century Literature, ed. Leopard Damrosch. Oxford: Oxford Univ Press, 1988, pp. 379-411.

Browne, Christopher. Getting the Message: The Story of the British Post Office. London: Alan Sutton, 1995.

Brown, Homer Obed. 'The Errant Letter and the Whispering Gallery', Genre 1977 (10), pp. 573-99.

Cook, Elizabeth Heckendorn.  Epistolary Bodies: Gender and Genre in the 18th Century Republic of Letters. Stanford University Press, 1996.

---. 'Going Public: The Letter and the Contract in Fanni Butlerd, Eighteenth Century Studies, 24 (1990), pp. 21-45

Couchman, Jane and Ann Crabb, edd.  Women's Letters Across Europe, 1400-1700. Ashgate, 2004.

---. "Reading Early Modern Women's Letters," Attending to Early Modern Women, edd. Adele Seeff and Susan Amussen. Newark: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1998: 100-2

Daybell, James, ed.  Early Modern Women's Letter Writing, 1450-1700. New York: Palgrave/St Martin's Press, 2001. Reviewed by Elaine V. Beilin in Renaissance Quarterly, 55:1 (2003), 231-35.

---. "Women's Letters and Letter-Writing in England, 1450-1603," Shakespeare Studies, 27 (1999).

---. and C. Brown, edd.  Women's Letters and Letter Writing in England, 1450-1700. Ashgate (?), forthcoming.

Decker, William Merrill.  Epistolary Practices: Letter Writing in America before Telecommunications. Chapel Hill NC: University of North Carolina Press, 1998.

Dowling, William.  The Epistolary Moment. Princeton: 1991.

Ehrenpreis, Irvin, and Robert Halsband.  The Lady of Letters in the Eighteenth Century; Papers Read at a Clark Library Seminar, January 18, 1969. Los Angeles: William Andrews Clark Memorial Library, University of California, 1969.

Ellis, Kenneth.  The Post Office in the Eighteenth Century: A Study in Administrative History. Oxford: Oxford Univ Press, 1958.

Favrett, Mary.  Romantic Correspondence: Women, politics, and the fiction of letters. Cambridge: At the University Press, 1993.

Galgano, Michael J. "Negotiations for a Nun's Dowry: Restoration Letters of Mary Caryll, OSB and Ann Clifton, OSB", American Benedictine Review, 24 (1973):278-98.

George, Margaret. Women in the First Capitalist Society: Experiences in Seventeenth-Century England. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1988. A chapter on the letters of Lady Brilliana Harley.

Gerber, David A. "Epistolary Ethics: Personal Correspondence and the Culture of Emigration in the Nineteenth Century," Journal of American Ethnic HIstory, 19:4 (Summer 2000): 5-23.

Guillen, Claudio, "Notes toward the Study of the Renaissance Letter," Renaissance Genres: Essays on Theory, History, Interpretation, ed. Barbara K. Lewalski. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1986: 70-110.

Halsband, Robert. "Lady Mary Wortley Montagu as Letter- Writer." PMLA: Publications of the Modern Language Association of America, 80 (1965), 155-163.

Headrick, Daniel. When Information Came of Age. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000.

Hofstadter, Dan.  The Love Affair as a Work of Art. New York: Farrar, Strauss, Giroux, 1996.

How, James.  Epistolary Spaces: English Letter Writing from the Foundation of the Post Office to Richardson's Clarissa. Vermont: Ashgate Press, 2003. Includes a chapter on the correspondence between the Countesses of Hertford and Pomfret.Kenyon, Olga, ed.  800 Years of Women's Letters, foreword P. D. James. London: Penguin, 1992.

Keirstead, Christopher. "Going Postal: Mail and Mass Culture in Bleak House," Nineteenth Century Studies, 17 (2003):91-106.

Kirby, Joan. "Women in the Plumpton Correspondence: Fiction and Reality," Church and Chronicle in the Middle Ages: Essays Presented to John Taylor, edd. Ian Wood and G.A. Loud. London: Hambledon, 1991: 219-32.

Laycock, Kelly. 2003. "I have sent you a Glas of Eye Watter: Maternal advice and Political Voice in the Early letters of Lady Brilliana Harley. Paper presented in a Conference on Culture and the State, University of Alberta, May 2003.

"The Letter in History": A 1995 Conference held at the University of Warwick.

Lewalski, Barbara Keifer, "Writing Resistance in Letters: Arbella Stuart and the Rhetoric of Disguise and Defiance," Writing Women in Jacobean England, ed. Barbara Keifer Lewalski. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1993, pp. 66-92.

Lowenthal, Cynthia. Lady Mary Wortley Montagu and the Eighteenth Century Familiar Letter. Athens, Ga: University of Athens Press, 1994. This derives from her dissertation: "Lady Mary Wortley Montagu and the Eighteenth-Century Familiar Letter." Ph. Diss. 1987.

MacArthur, Elizabeth J. Extravagant Narratives: Closure and Dynamics in the Epistolary Form. Princeton: Princeton Univ Press, 1990

---. 'Devious Narratives: Refusal of Closure in Two Eighteenth-Century Epistolary Novels', Eighteenth Century Studies, 21 (1987), pp. 1-19.

Markus, Manfred. "Towards an analysis of pragmatic and stylistic features in 15th and 17th century English letters," Language and Computers, New Frontiers of Corpus Research, edd. Peters, Pam, Peter Collins and Adam Smith. Papers from the Twenty First International Conference on English Language Research on Computerized Corpora Sydney 2000. Amsterdam: Rodopi. 179-198.

Mary Humiliata, Sister. 'Standards of Taste Advocated for Feminine Letter Writing, 1640-1797.  Huntington Library Quarterly: 261-77.

Mason, Margaret, "Nuns of the Gerningham Letters: Elizabeth Jerningham (1727-1807)", and Frances Henrietta Jerningham (1745-1824)" RH, 22 (1995):350-69; "Nuns of the Jerningham Letters: the Hon. Catherine Dillon (1752-1797) and Anne Neville (1754-1824): Benedictines at Bodney Hall," RH, 23 (1996):34-78.

Maurice, Susan. M. Familiar letter in early modern English : a pragmatic approach. Philadelphia, PA : John Benjamins Pub. Co., 2002. PR914 .F58 2002.

McCutcheon, Elizabeth and Sara Jayne Steen, "The Cloak of Language: Interpreting Women's Letters," Attending to Women in Early Modern England, edd. Betty Travistsky and Adele F. Seefe. Newark: University of Delaware Press, 1994:103-5.

McKenzie, Alan. Sent as a Gift: Eight Correspondences from the Eighteenth-Century. Athens: University of Georgia, 1993.

Nevala M. "Inside and out: Forms of address in seventeenth- and eighteenth-century letters," Journal of Historical Pragmatics, 5/2 (2004): 271-296.

Newdigate-Newdegate, Anne Emily Garnier (Lady).  Gossip from a muniment-room; being passages in the lives of Anne and Mary Fitton, 1574 to 1618. London, D. Nutt, 1898.

Peers, E. Allison, "Saint Teresa in her Letters," Saint Teresa of Jesus and other Essays and Addresses. London: Faber and Faber, 1953:35-80.

Perry, Charles R. The Victorian Post Office: The Growth of a Bureaucracy. Royal Studies in History No. 64. London: Boydell and Brewer, 1992.

Redford, Bruce.  The Converse of the Pen: Acts of Intimacy in the Eighteenth-Century Familiar Letter. Chicago University Press, 1986.

Reform of the Post Office in the Victorian Era and Its Impact on Economic and Social Activity. London: Royal Philatelic Society, 2000. No single author's name available.

Robinson, Howard.  The British Post Office: A History. 1948; reprinted Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press.

Schneider, Gary.  The culture of epistolarity : vernacular letters and letter writing in early modern England, 1500-1700. Newark : University of Delaware Press, 2005.

Siegert, Bernhard. Relays: Literature as an Epoch of the Postal System. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1999.

Spacks, Patricia Meyer. "Borderlands: Letters and Gossip,"  The Georgia Review, 37:4 (1983): 791-813.

Steen, Sara Jayne, "Introduction" in her edition, The Letters of Arbella Stuart. Brown University Women Writers Project: Writers in English, 13501850. NY: Oxford UP, 1994, 1-115.

Stewart, Keith. 'Towards Defining an Aesthetic for the Familiar Letter in Eighteenth-Century England', Prose Studies, 5 (1982), pp. 179-92.

Whigham, Fran,, "The Rhetoric of Elizabethan Suitors' Letters," Publications of the Modern Language Association, 96:5 (1981):864-82.

Whyman, S. "Paper Visits": the Post-Restoration Letter as Seen through the Verney Family Archives", Epistolary Selves, ed. R. Earle. Aldershot, Hampshire: Ashgate, 1999.

Wiseman, Sue. 1999. "No Thanks.Politics, Networks and Civil War in the letters of Brilliana Harley and Margaret Cavendish's Sociable Letters." Paper presented to the Margaret Cavendish Society, June 1999, Paris Conference.

Wright, Susan, "Private Language Made Public: The Language of Letters as Literature," Poetics 18 (1989), pp 549-578.

Zilliascus, Laurin.  From Pillar to Post: The Troubled History of the Mail. Heinemann, 1956.


 Resources Concerning English Epistolary Novels:

Alliston, April.  Virtue's Fault: Correspondences in Eighteenth-Century English and French Women's Fiction Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1996

Altman, Janet Gurkin.  Epistolarity: Approaches to a Form: Columbus: Ohio Univ Pr, 1982.

Bachelard Gaston. Epistolary Fiction in Europe, 1500-1850. Cambridge : At the University Press, 1999.

Black, Frank J. The Epistolary Novel in the Late 18th Century: A Descriptive and Bibliographical Study, Studies in Literature and Philology, No. 2. Eugene, Oregon: University of Oregon Press, 1940.

Bowstead, Diana. 'Charlotte Smith's Desmond, Fetter'd or Free: British Women Novelists, 1670-1815, ed. Mary Anne Schofield and Cecilia Macheski. Ohio: Ohio University Press, 1986.

Case, Alison. "Tasting the Original Apple: Gender and the Struggle for Narrative Authority in Dracula", Narrative, 1:3 (Fall 1993), pp. 223-243. This is a study of narrative form in Dracula, which is at its core a group of interwoven epistolary narratives.

Cherewatuk, Karen and Ulrike Wiethaus, edd.  Dear Sister: Medieval Women and the Epistolary Genre. Philadelphia: Univ of Pennsylvania Press, 1993.

Day, Robert Adams.  Told in Letters: Epistolary Fiction Before Richardson. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press: 1966.

Godfrey, Frank Singer. The Epistolary Novel: Its Origin, Devleopment, Decline and Residuary Influence. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1933.

Goldsmith, Elizabeth, ed. Writing the Female Voice: Essays on Epistolary Literature. Boston: Northeastern Univ Pr, 1989.

Huddleston, Heather.  The Body of the Letter: Epistolary Fictions and Historical Practices. Indiana University, Pa, 1999 Ph.D. or UCI.

Jack, Ian. 'The Epistolary Element in Jane Austen', English Studies Today, Second Series (1961), pp. 173-86

Kaplan, Deborah. 'Female Friendship and Epistolary Form:  Lady Susan and the Development of Jane Austen's Fiction,' Criticism, 29 (1987), pp. 163-78.

Kauffman, Linda S.  Discourses of Desire: Gender, Genre and Epistolary Fiction. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1986.

Lenta, Margaret. 'Form and content: A Study of the Epistolary Novel;, UTC: Studies in English, 10 (1980), pp. 14-30.

Lodge, David. The Art of Fiction. London, 1992 (Chapter 5: "The Epistolary Novel").

McKillop, A. D. 'Epistolary Technique in Richardson's Novels', Rice Institute Pamphlet, 37 (1951), 36-54.

Mikalachki, Jodi. "Women's Networks and the Female Vagrant," Maids and Mistresses, Cousins and Queens: Women's Alliances in Early Modern England, edd. Susan Frye and Karen Robertson. NY: Oxford UP, 1999:52-67.

Pearson, David. '"The Letter Killeth": Epistolary Purposes and Techniques in Sir Harry Hotspur of Humblethwaite',Nineteenth-Century Fiction, 37 (1982), pp. 396-4.

Perry, Ruth.  Women, Letters and the Novel . New York: AMS Press, 1980.

Rosbottom, Ronald, "Motifs in Epistolary Fiction: Analysis of a Narrative Sub-genre," Esprit Créator, 17 (1977), pp. 279-301.

Striedter, Ann K, "Women Writers and the Epistolary Novel: Gender, Genre and Ideology in Eighteenth Century Fiction," Ph.D. Dissertation, University of California., San Diego, 1993.

Ward, Kathleen. 'Dear Sir or Madam: The Epistolary Novel in Britain in the Nineteenth-Century'. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1989.

Watson, Nicola. Revolution and the Form of the British Novel, 1790-1825: Intercepted letters, Interrupted Seductions. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1994.