Browse Exhibits (2 total)
The War of the Two Kings (1688 - 1691)
This exhibit is a focused exploration of two mediations from the time of The War of the Two Kings (1688 - 1691) in Ireland. The two featured mediations are “King William III (1650–1702) at the Battle of the Boyne” by Jan Wyck, and an anonymous ballad entitled “The Female Duel (or, The Victorious Williamite Lady, Who was challeng'd to Fight a Duel by a Jacobite Lady)" (1692), the recording of which can be found on EBBA (ID: 22393).
The Darien Venture by the Company of Scotland (1698-1700)
This exhibit looks at two instances of print culture related to the Company of Scotland's Darien venture during 1698-1700. The first is a ballad that celebrates the arrival of the Company at Darien in Panama, praying for a successful venture that would bring Scotland financial relief (1699). The second is a petition made by the Council-General of the Company of Scotland to King William, requesting his protection and official endorsement, accompanied by William's response to the petition (1700).